Friday, April 6, 2012

What family pet do you have fond memories of?
Sam.  I remember how he always used to follow me around when I was little just to make sure I was safe and biting tires and chasing cars while spinning around in circles.  I also can't leave Princess out.  I remember her loving to go camping and being so patient with the grandkids, letting them crawl all over her and using her as a horse.

What is your favorite animal?
Definitely a horse.  Love them!

What animal scares you the most?
I don't think they scare me.  After all, I did pet a rattlesnake (This is Amy adding--don't try this at home!  Just the teacher in me. :)).  I think I might be scared, though, if I went up against a bear.

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
A horse.  I would love running wild and being so free and they are passionate and emotional animals.

What is the most exotic animal you have ever seen?
Do dolphins count as exotic?  I rode an elephant once . . .

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