Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fairy Tea Party in the Woods

Cassidy spent her birthday with us and wanted a tea party for it.  I wasn't able to do it before Dad took the kids up to the campground so we changed it to a fairy tea party in the woods.  Here's what was on the menu:
Unicorn Calzones
Sugar and Spice Sandwich Swirls (except I didn't do the swirl part)
Mini Angel Food Cakes with Blueberry Pie Filling
Strawberry Milk
I went up the day before and made flower crowns for them.  They got to choose their own papers for the flowers.  I let them try the crowns on and then we stowed them away for the next day.

This was a "no boys allowed" event so I made plates of food for them and they were exiled.  For a while, they watched from a rock a little ways away.
JJ, Taylor, and Burke (the orange behind the tree) watching from afar.
Kelsie was a big help.  She helped me set everything up and she took most of the pictures.  When everything was ready we called the girls together.  Since it was a fairy tea party they had to pretend they were fairies and have their pictures taken.

Then, the feast began!
I love the looks on their faces in this picture.  It was a happy day!

KayLee entertained us quite a bit.  I think she may be attempting the "Aldridge look" in this picture.  Dad taught it to her.

 It got a little goofy near the end!

When the girls were done, I let the boys come and finish everything off.  I think they enjoyed it more than the girls!


Cathy said...

That is the cutest idea, love it! The flower crowns are great!

Liesl said...

Wow, those kids are getting so big!! Good job, Amy, with this party. You ROCK!!